Starting next Friday, I'll be taking a series of Instagram posts I do called Freaky Fridays where I show off oddities & curiosities from my personal collection and publishing little blog posts on them. I can't say that the posts will be incredibly in depth to start, but I wanted to give more people the chance to view my personal collection of strange and unusual items without having to subject themselves to social media.
I'll show you things I've acquired everywhere from garage sales during childhood to working at an Antique Mall and a Curio Cabinet. I'll show you things people have called "deeply troubling" that I've found on Etsy. I'll show you a bit of taxidermy, a bit of vintage, some strange books, and even an antique medical device or two.
I come from a long line of people who love oddities, weird stories, and cursed objects so I've spent a lifetime acquiring these items. So now, on Fridays, I'll be showing you what curiosities you've been missing out on and possibly giving you a strange history lesson or two.
Talk to you next week,